O wsp贸lnocie (samorz膮dowej)

czwartek, 18 pa藕dziernika 2018

Duch Wolnej Polski opiewany przez Szkota (w Warszawie)

Kiedy gor膮czkowo rozmawiamy o Polsce, Warszawie, samorz膮dach...
W roku nie tylko wybor贸w, ale nade wszystko STULECIA NIEPODLEG艁O艢CI ODZYSKANEJ W 1918! Potem by艂a II RP, wojna z bolszewikami 1920, czas odbudowy polskiej pa艅stwowo艣ci, II Wojna 艢wiatowa, narzucony si艂膮 ustr贸j soc-komunizmu PRL, Solidarno艣膰 1980/81, stan wojenny i III RP od 1989! Duch Wolnej Polski mieszka w polskiej 艣wiadomo艣ci narodowej i j膮 wsp贸艂tworzy kultur膮 od Zenitu Wszechdoskona艂osci Dziej贸w! Konstytucja 3 Maja 1791 jest jego szczeg贸lnym obrazem-wyrazem-podobie艅stwem.

Autor, Andrew Ferrie (ur. 1926) recytuje przed Prezydenten Warszawy 
prof. Hann膮 Gronkiewicz Waltz (17 wrze艣nia 2018).

(by Andrew Ferrie)

From the Tatras snowy grandeur to Gdynia’s sea - kissed shore
there lies a country rich in romance linking us with days of pore
Poland; Once a land of freedom; now a ghetto of despair,
bleeding from a thousand wounds, yet murmuring low a mother’s prayer
for her sons and daughters valiant who tried to save her from this fate,
which now assails her; overpowering all she held in Sacred State.

When Warsaw was attacked so fiercely by barbaric armoured might,
there came a power, unseen, possessing. I was there to back their fight.
List to the urgent call I send you. Poland’s tide is ebbing fast.
Betrayed by those whose trust she cherished and crudely moulded to their cast.

The faithless men who have betrayed her, gained false power by this stroke.
Oh, shall they keep her in subjection? Will you stand and see them choke
the breath of life from her fair body? Will you strive to gain her peace?
As long as one true Pole still lives – then Poland’s struggle shall not seize!

Polish free man heed my warning, after which do what is just.
Who am I to doubt your spirit? You may query, if you must.
Chopin knew me as his music, which told the world his country’s need.
Sobieski knew me at Vienna – and Poland once again was freed.
Pilsudski knew me as a warrior – his patriotism was by me fired.
Paderewski governed Poland with the high ideals which I inspired.

These men fought hard for Poland’s freedom. Some made the glorious sacrifice.
Still unsurpassed in this existence. Death -- is freedom’s bargain price.
All these knew me and were great men. Now my voice calls out to you.
Poland in her trial needs you. Does my shaft fly straight and true?

Within the ancient town of Krakow once the hejnal sounded clear.
I am that last note uttered, unfinished - lingering fondly through each year.
I am the spirit of free Poland. I, that far off final goal.
I pulsate in every man who proudly calls himself – A POLE.

Written by Andrew J Ferrie, 1945. Published in 1947. Utw贸r ten zdoby艂 Pierwsz膮 Nagrod臋 na Festiwalu Sztuki jednostek wojskowych pod dow贸dztwem (w ramach korpusu si艂 zbrojnych) Central Mediterranean Forces.

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